The highest bidder wins. The amount is different for every website, but our built-in average CPM gives you some guidelines in this regard. The average CPM is created using our own data, and it has its own limits. Start at the lowest bid possible and gradually increase the bids to win traffic. Upon winning, eCPM (real traffic cost) will be available to you. Once you do have the eCPM rates, you’ll know the real bid amount.
Increase your bids on more responsive sites to guarantee the win of an advantageous inventory you can perform tests on. Less advantageous websites can become more effective. You can bid lower and try and get traffic with a lesser bid amount.
Ad-Sys lets you increase traffic in multiple ways:
Frequency cap identifies the number of times the same ad is displayed to the same user within a given period. It is a cookie-based process which is used to identify how many times a user has viewed an ad. In terms of performance, your CTR and conversion rate (CR) might be affected, depending on whether you increase or decrease frequency capping, so it is best to find the balance when it comes to banner oversaturation and performance.